first name
last name
email address
phone number
travel accounts
Facebook Page
instagram handle
Existing Travel Website (if applicable)
Tell us about yourself! Why are you interested in becoming a travel designer?
Describe your most recent position, and why you are looking for a career transition.
Describe your current work schedule (remote/in-office/flexible/part time, etc.)
Describe your ideal schedule with Curated travel co., and how many hours per week you are looking to devote to your travel career.
Share a bit about your previous travels!
What has been your biggest career achievement, to date?
How did you hear about us?
Have you considered working with other agencies? Why does working with CTC, specifically, appeal to you?
All agents with CURATED TRAVEL CO., are independent contractors and commission based income. Can you share a bit on why you feel that you would be successful in an independent role?
book of business:
All agents are responsible for generating their own leads through marketing their travel knowledge. Occasional leads may be provided through general inquiries, but these are not meant to be the main source of business. Curated agents are expected to meet a minimum of $20,000 in sales montly. Do you agree to these expectations?
affiliation :
Agents have the option of operating under their own business name, rather than
being listed on the CTC website. If you choose to utilize your own branding, you must provide proof of 1) a separate branded website 2) business insurance 3) social media accounts 4) business email address 5) business bank account. Assuming that you complete the 10-week training program successfully, how would you wish to move forward?
annual fee:
An annual fee of $495 paid by the Contractor to the Company every 12
months. The annual fee is used to cover clerical costs, back-office systems, payroll administration, marketing, website administration, and business insurance coverage. This will be invoiced on your anniversary each year. Do you agree to this fee structure?
All compensation is commission-based. Travel agents with Curated Travel Co., are independent contractors who are responsible for growing their book of business within the company branding and philosophy. Wages are divided as a commission split, with the company, based on the history of sales volume. Do you wish to move forward in understanding the compensation structure?
background reporting:
Due to the sensitive nature of the client information held within the company’s system, and what will be obtained through the booking process, Curated Travel Co., requires a background check prior to the date of hire. Do you understand and agree to submit to a background check for the purpose of your contractor status?